Commonly used words in written English - letter Q with 34 words, sorted alphabetically
The list of words starting with the letter Q that occur frequently in written English is based on an analysis of the Google Books Ngram (a collection compiled by Peter Norvig in 2012, containing close to one trillion words).
Word Frequency is calculated as the number of occurrences in one million words.
Word Definition is sourced from the WordNet dictionary. You'll have to look up each word page for its complete definition and Part of Speech (POS) categories.
Word | Frequency | Definition |
39 | (noun) the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet | |
22 | (noun) an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something | |
25 | (adjective) meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task | |
10 | (verb) prove capable or fit; meet requirements | |
14 | (adjective) involving distinctions based on qualities | |
191 | (adjective) of high social status; (noun) an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone | |
21 | (adjective) expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement | |
97 | (noun) an adequate or large amount | |
16 | (noun) a discrete amount of something that is analogous to the quantities in quantum theory | |
19 | (verb) have a disagreement over something; (noun) an angry dispute | |
7 | (verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry | |
49 | (verb) provide housing for (military personnel); (noun) a district of a city having some distinguishing character | |
22 | (adverb) in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon; (adjective) of or relating to or consisting of a quarter | |
29 | (noun) housing available for people to live in | |
10 | (noun) a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities | |
10 | (adjective) having some resemblance | |
13 | (noun) the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River | |
74 | (verb) promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess; (noun) the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs | |
7 | (verb) put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position | |
19 | (verb) pose a question; (noun) an instance of questioning | |
14 | (verb) make a search (for); (noun) the act of searching for something | |
477 | (verb) challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; (noun) an instance of questioning | |
7 | (adjective) subject to question | |
11 | (adjective) perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know); (noun) a request for information | |
15 | (noun) a form containing a set of questions; submitted to people to gain statistical information | |
8 | (noun) a line of people or vehicles waiting for something | |
44 | (adjective) accomplished rapidly and without delay; (noun) any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail) | |
90 | (adverb) with speed | |
53 | (adjective) characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity | |
24 | (adverb) with little or no sound | |
18 | (verb) go away or leave | |
233 | (adverb) to a degree (not used with a negative) | |
10 | (noun) a prescribed number | |
21 | (noun) a passage or expression that is quoted or cited | |
76 | (verb) repeat a passage from |